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Contributor II
Contributor II

List box with all children of selection's parent

Hi everyone

New to Qlik and teaching myself.

I have an organization list that is only two levels deep, where I have a company name and the parent name for that company. For the parent, the company name exists, but there will be no parent name (since that company itself is the parent)

I now need to display two things, On one side, when the user selects a specific company, objects on the sheet display information for that company, contact info, payment performance etc, and this part I have working (mostly)

The second is now I am required to put a new object on the sheet, which will show a list of all other children for the selected company (regardless of if the selected company is a parent or child) - the idea being that if the selected company is part of a group of companies, then this box will be an easy way to switch selection to other companies so the new selected company's details are displayed.

Any idea how this can be accomplished?

Thanks in advance for the help!

7 Replies

Can you share sample dataset?

Best Anil, When applicable please mark the correct/appropriate replies as "solution" (you can mark up to 3 "solutions". Please LIKE threads if the provided solution is helpful
Contributor II
Contributor II

Many thanks for responding Anil.

Dataset is pretty straightforward actually

Code      Name                     ParentCode          ContactPerson

A            Company A                A                         Mr W                                 (this is a parent since parent code = code)

B            Company B               A                         Mr X

C            Company C               A                         Mr W

D            Company D               A                         Mr Y

E            Company E               E                          Mr Z                                  (another parent)

F            Company F               E                          Mrs H

So my requirement is, I need three objects, the first one is a list of all Names, and if a name is selected (lets say B) from the list, the second object shows the details of that Name (in this case, the contact person Mr X). This part I have working



B <- Selected





Result Object1:

Code      Name                     ParentCode          ContactPerson

B            Company B               A                         Mr X

What I now need is put another object on the same sheet which list the following (if B is selected from the first list) - the parent and all children belonging to that parent

Needed Object2:

ParentCode     Code          Name

A                       A               Company A

A                       B               Company B

A                       C               Company C

A                       D               Company D <- User clicks

Now if they select any code/name from the above, the second box should change selection to thechoice of Object2. So say in Object2, the user clicks on D, the result should now be





D <- Selected



Result Object1:

Code      Name                     ParentCode          ContactPerson

D            Company D               A                         Mr Y


ParentCode     Code          Name

A                       A               Company A

A                       B               Company B

A                       C               Company C

A                       D               Company D

and so on.

Contributor II
Contributor II



You want to show irrespective of 2 filters and 2 objects with 2 different?

Best Anil, When applicable please mark the correct/appropriate replies as "solution" (you can mark up to 3 "solutions". Please LIKE threads if the provided solution is helpful
Contributor II
Contributor II

Essentially I need to show for a selected child the detailed information for that child in one object, and in another object, I need to show the parent for the selected child and all other children for that parent of the selected child (parent + all brothers/sisters)

When a different child or the parent is selected in the second object, the first object should change its selection to what was selected in the second object


May be like this:

Text object - add action - set variable - var name - value - if(varname=1,0,1)

Add one more text object like above.

On the above second text object, place the required list boxes by direct field name or by an expression.


I am sorry - I didn't understand. May be others can help you. Would better if you can share sample application

Best Anil, When applicable please mark the correct/appropriate replies as "solution" (you can mark up to 3 "solutions". Please LIKE threads if the provided solution is helpful