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How to retain common selections between tabs, but lose others

I have multiple tabs within my application that have some fields common to both data sets but others that are specific to the individual tabs.  What I need to do is to create a trigger that will lose any selections that aren't common so that when I switch tabs, there aren't any blank charts due to previous selections.

2 Replies
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On each tab you'll need to create an "OnActivateSheet" and "OnLeaveSheet" Triggers

On activate, you'll want to select the field(s) that is particular to that data set.

On lease, you'll want to clear the field(s) that were set on activate. 

Not applicable

Thanks for that Gene; I think I was hoping for a 'magic wand' (so to speak) that would recognise which selections didn't apply to the other data set and would simply remove them?  That's fine though, I can manually specify which ones to remove in the trigger.

Thanks again