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Get hidden column value from table column selection

I have a straight table with a few hidden columns.  When a column is selected (filtered), is it possible to get the value of the hidden column?

For example, I have a table with a company name column, numerous other columns and a hidden id field.  When a user clicks on a company name is it possible to select the corresponding id field?  One company can have several different ids.

Thanks in advance

10 Replies
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Here's my table


Load * inline


Company, State, ID

Accenture, TX, 101

LinkedIn, CA, 102

Rackspace, TX, 103

Rackspace, FL, 104

Rackspace, NY, 105

Microsoft, WA, 106


I'm using this data to populate a straight table.  If a user selects Rackspace, how do i get the corresponding ID associated with their selection? 

Someone suggested I use FirstSortedValue() but that only returns the first ID.  Any help with this?

Not applicable



where do tyou want to display the ID's?

in a text box?

=concat(DISTINCT ID, ', ')


Not applicable

Thanks for replying.  The concat statement will get all the possible IDs for Rackspace.  What I'm trying to do is the get the ID for one selected.  For example in your picture, If I were to select the middle Rackspace, the one associated with Florida, how would i get the 104 ID that's associated with that record?  I don't want all the IDs for Rackspace, just the one that was selected.  Is that possible?


yes all possible Ids

when you select on Company column, you select Rackspace (not the first or second or.... Rackspace); Rackspace has 3 possible Id; 103,104,105; to select only the second row you can click on FL in State column (and in textbox you get 104)

Partner - Specialist II
Partner - Specialist II


I think what Massimo suggested is what you need, because concat will show you 1 or any number of coincidences regarding your selections. I think that maybe you can add this to the expression:

=if(GetSelectedCount(Company)>0 or GetSelectedCount(State)>0, Concat(DISTINCT ID, ','), chr(0))

This way  it will show you the ID corresponding to your selection (remember that it could be just 1 ID or a group of IDs if your selection is more than one dimension value either in State and/or Company), otherwise if nothing is selected then nothing will be displayed in the text box,


Not applicable

In this case, is there any way to auto selected FL when the middle Rackspace is selected?  The client doesn't want to have to select the state as well.

Partner - Master
Partner - Master

Selections are made in the dimensions, unfortunately not when the dimension is hidden (at least in web modus). As a work around you can not really hide the dimension but sort of hide it by setting the font color the same as the background color and maybe drag it ot the end of the table out of sight.

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