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Disabling grouping in Pivot Table

Hi Community!

I have a pivot table where there is grouping. There are three dimenstions, lets say, A, B and C. B is grouped inside A and C is grouped inside B. So when someone goes to the pivot table, he will only see column A. Upon clickling the '+' button in A, the column expands and B is shown. Upon clicking the '+' button in B, C is shown. This happens because of grouping. Can I partially disable the grouping? i.e I want B to be grouped inside A, but not C to be grouped inside B. So upon clicking the '+' button in column A, I want it to show both columns B and C.

Any ideas?



4 Replies

No, that's not possible. It's either all or nothing. You can disable all grouping on the Presentation tab of the properties window by checking the option Always Fully Expanded.

talk is cheap, supply exceeds demand
Not applicable

Thanks a lot Gysber!

I will tell you requirement in specific. Hopefully you could tell me a workaround.

I have a pivot table in Sheet1 and another sheet, Sheet2. Whenever a user clicks on the pivot table in Sheet1, I want the user to redirect the user to Sheet2. I know how to do it using triggers. However, the problem is: When a user clicks on Pivot table, by default, dimension A(the dimension I showed you in the pivot table that I attached in my previous post) or dimenstion B is selected. So, if a create a trigger such that when someone clicks dimension A or B, they are redirected to Sheet2, the problem is even in other areas where there is Dimension A or B, a click there would redirect the user to Sheet2. So, I wanted to create something such that ONLY on clicking pivot table, will the user be redirected to Sheet2. Any idea?



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Create a text object and make it 100% transparant and remove all boarders and place it on the Piovt table and apply trigger on the text object to go to Sheet2.

not ideal solution, but can't suggest any thing at this point.

Not applicable

Thank you Streak! Will try doing what you said.