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Partner - Specialist II
Partner - Specialist II

Date to Week

Hi i have a week dimension , date dimenion

i have a bar chart with date dimeniosn and one expression

the bar chart shows all the dates for that expression

but the issue is i want to show only the latest week date by default..

so what would be the expression

my expression is sum(sales)

4 Replies

hi Shree909

if i understand, you will need is create a dimension with

WeekEnd(Date) as WeekEnd

and used for the group by week but with the label of the weekend

Not applicable

Try SUM({<Week={$(=Max(Week)}>} Sales) Where Week is your week dimension.

Partner - Specialist II
Partner - Specialist II

thanks for the quick reply

i want to use that as a dimesion

in the dimenion i have takedn date field but that date filed has to show only the latest week dates dimesion...

Not applicable

If you use the expression it will only show the results for the dates of that week so also only the dates for that week.

Try it, otherwise attach a sample qvw file where I can check your chart.

