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Create dynamic date look up based on todays date

HI I am failry new to QlikView.

I am trying to create a dynamic look up that will display information based on today's date. 

I would like to apply the following criterias:

1. Go back one release cycle based on today's date

2. Display all future releases

Here is what i am working with today.


SQL SELECT "release_calendar_id",



FROM test.dbo."rm_release_calendar";


load Distinct release as release_name,


Resident Release_Schedule_table

where release >= release_name -.1???????

I also need to link release_cycle with the following table


load distinct status as unresolved_status,


resident _table

where match(status,'Closed', 'Deployed', 'Close Requested', 'Completed')=0 and not isnull(status);

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