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Cant get the correct value in a column

Hi Good Day I have this problem in my script that i cant solve I have this 2 columns that has this value( Please see Table Below). The business wants the Leadership Career Level Only has the number or the Level and the Host Classification has the Career.

Host ClassificationLeadership Career Level
Senior Manager5
Senior Manager5
Senior Manager5
 Managing Director

I tried mapping on this issue but I can only fix the Leadership Career Level (please see Desc Below). Now the issue is when a the level is in the host classification before both Host and Leadership is Null or blank.

Host ClassificationLeadership Career Level
Senior Manager5
Senior Manager5
Senior Manager5
Managing Director7

This is what my code is looking like (Not All of it):

Mapping Load * Inline
LeadershipCareerLevel, HostClassification
3, Senior Managing Director
4, Sr. Systems Analyst
5, Senior Manager
6, Managing Director
7, Manager
8, Consultant
9, Consultant
10, Analyst
11, Analyst
12, Associate
13, Associate
Senior Manager, 5
Accenture Leadership, 6
Manager, 7
Consultant, 8
Consultant, 9
Analyst, 10
Analyst, 11
Associate, 12
Associate, 13


Mapping Load * Inline
HostClassification, LeadershipCareerLevel
'Senior Manager', 5
'Senior Manager', 6
'Accenture Leadership', 6
'Managing Director', 6



ApplyMap ('HostClassification1',LeadershipCareerLevel) as [Host Classification] ,

ApplyMap ('LeadershipCareerLevel',HostClassification) as [Leadership Career Level]


If you guys could help me on this that would be great thanks!

2 Replies
Partner - Creator III
Partner - Creator III

Hi Jim,


If I understand correctly, the issue is the mix between the values in the columns you have (Host Classification and Leadership Career Level)

In that case, an approach like this may help you fix it:


Mapping Load Distinct
If(IsNum(LeadershipCareerLevel), LeadershipCareerLevel,HostClassification) as LeadershipCareerLevel
, If(IsText(HostClassification), HostClassification,LeadershipCareerLevel) as HostClassification
LOAD * Inline
LeadershipCareerLevel, HostClassification
3, Senior Managing Director
4, Sr. Systems Analyst
5, Senior Manager
6, Managing Director
7, Manager
8, Consultant
9, Consultant
10, Analyst
11, Analyst
12, Associate
13, Associate
Senior Manager, 5
Accenture Leadership, 6
Manager, 7
Consultant, 8
Consultant, 9
Analyst, 10
Analyst, 11
Associate, 12
Associate, 13

Also, I'd remove the ' signs if you are doing inline load in the second mapping table. Not that it will break it, but not best practice to have those extra symbols which get indirectly reduced at the back-end.

I hope that helps!

Kind regards,


Former Employee
Former Employee

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I now work a compressed schedule, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, so those will be the days I will reply to any follow-up posts.