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Automatic selection of primary/secundary axis

Hi, is it possible, to automatically select the primary or secondary axis in a e.g. line diagram for each formula, depending of the Min/Max range of its values?


2 Replies
Not applicable

Hi Michael,

I think this algorithm might work:

expression 1: if  (max(total x) > max(total y), f(x) , f(y)))

expression 2: if  (max(total x) < max(total y), f(y) , f(x)))



Not applicable

Hi Sacho, that isn't really what I was looking for (or I missunderstood your proposal). When I'm creating a diagram, I have a timestamp on the x-axis and I would like to display one or more curves from different messuring points. I would like to select the messuring points from a list to be display on the y-axis. This, so far, workes fine. But the messuring values from the messuring point do have different ranges (e.g. 0 - 10, 0-1000). So when I put them all together on the same y-axis, the values between 0 - 10 are shown as a flat line compared to the values within the range of 0 - 1000.

So I put the 0 - 10 values on the left y-axis and the other ones on the right. (Position Links(Unten) or Rechts (Oben) in the snapshot).

The question is, how to automatically let QV choose the y-axis (left or right one). I couldn't find a parameter (e.g. for a module) to adress the selection of the left or right y-axis.

Best regards Michael