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Apply bookmarks as filters on NPrinting in order to save user layout


Is there a way to filter NPrinting report according to bookmarks?

I know we can use regular filters, but a regular filter will not export the object according to the user layout.

what I mean is that if the user changed the order of the columns in a regular table, or changed the row to column in a pivot table - in bookmark the layout will remain according to what the user did (and will be exported to the NP accordingly), but in a regular filter the layout will be exported to NP as it was developed by the QS developer in the UI.

For pivot table object it is essential, as in such object changing the position of a column is actually changing the meaning of the report (for example, rows of period & supplier, and column of total sales looks totally different from row of period and columns of supplier and total sales, etc.).

So, is there is any way to do it with NPrinting?
(if not by filtering by bookmark, is there any other idea how to show in the NP report the layout as it was changed by the user?)

Thanks a lot 🙂

2 Replies


In Qlik NPrinting 17+ (all versions after 17) bookmark-based filters are not supported. You have to re-create the filter by using fields and related values.

If a user needs a specific layout of the pivot you can create them as a native Excel pivot table in the template. You have to start from a straight table.  Or you can create the pivot with a different layout in Qlik Sense because Qlik NPrinting opens the connection with the user specified in it.

Please add only the label with the version of the software you are using because the answer could depend on it. Do not add many labels.

Best Regards,


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Partner Ambassador/MVP
Partner Ambassador/MVP

you can achieve all this by building sort of DIY view, where user selections on fields (which can be used in in OnDemand NPrinting reports or regular task/report based filters) can construct columns on rows and dimensions. That is the standard approach to usually build a DIY or AdHoc views in Qlik anyway. The trick here is that field selections must be done on fields (not variables) and that you cannot use "always one selected value" so it can work with NPrinting.

So there is a solution but obviously it has be planned based on actual requirements and usage scenarios by users.


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