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Creator III
Creator III

App is performing slow in Hub


I have an App which is loading from QVDs and it takes hardly 10 sec to load data.

When I open sheet, it opens instantly, but KPIs & Charts takes time to appear. I don't know why.

My Sheet contains 22 KPIs & 4 Charts (Pie & Bar).

Is this because too many objects on sheet or something else.

Rest all the apps on Hub is working fine. The issue is in one particular app

Please suggest 

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2 Replies
Partner - Champion III
Partner - Champion III

The load time and the object calculation times are unrelated. If your objects are taking a while to appear its possible that you have an inefficient data model, or complex or inefficient expressions.. This covers several fairly large topics, so I cannot give a complete answer. Just a few quick pointers:

  1. Is the data model large (>10M rows) or do you have fact table(s) that are very wide (>20-30 columns?
  2. How many tables in the final model?
  3. Do you have expressions of the form "Sum(If())", or Avg/Min/Max/Count/.... These expressions are slow to evaluate.
  4. Do you have synthetic keys. Nested syn keys can affect performance and accuracy.

Others may add further things to look for.

As a rule, i would rather spend more time on the load to get better performance on the front end. No one is affected by longer load times (within reason, of course), but users can get frustrated by a slow experience using the app.

Logic will get you from a to b. Imagination will take you everywhere. - A Einstein
Creator III
Creator III

Hi @jonathandienst 

Thanks for your valuable comments

Yes, the users are getting frustrated while slow loading. 

Here is the answers to your questions:


Q. Is the data model large (>10M rows) or do you have fact table(s) that are very wide (>20-30 columns?

A. My data model is not large, Fact Table contains only 4000 records but it has 51 columns.


Q. How many tables in the final model?

A. There are 4 Tables in the data model and all are connected with same keyfield.


Q. Do you have expressions of the form "Sum(If())", or Avg/Min/Max/Count/.... These expressions are slow to evaluate.

A. I have used Aggregations in expressions Like Sum(FieldName), Avg(FieldName) but there is no if conditions.


Q. Do you have synthetic keys. Nested syn keys can affect performance and accuracy.

A. No