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Apps that create QVDs


We deployed the QVD Monitor with success but it left us asking which apps are creating QVDs.    So we used the attached script to go get apps and appIDs thinking we could link the results to the source app ID in the QVD header.  However, in some cases the source app ID in the QVD references an app ID that no longer exists.  It got us thinking that it likely has to do with our publishing process.  Wherein if we need to make changes, we duplicate the app and make changes and publish in place over the existing app, then remove the duplicated app.    So the header is looking to that app in the developers work as a source ID even though it no longer exists, therefore no association is made to the source app IDs in the attached script.  I would expect that subsequent loads of the app would pull in the app ID for the published app in the QVD header, but that isn't the case.  

Any thoughts?  If we can figure this out, we'd have a great app that shows QVD metadata, apps that use QVDs, and apps that create QVDs.

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