(3/20/2023 7:54:42 AM) Information: DistributeTask[1eb47ee5-6670-4952-baf8-976ada0815b3] ("Reload of test.qvw"): TryStart - Starting task. Triggered by 'ManualStartTrigger'. Id:00000001-0002-0003-0405-0607080a0b0c. ExecID:2a8d9d46-2081-4644-9e3b-f8a142ca7fed (3/20/2023 7:54:42 AM) Information: Entering Task Execution. (3/20/2023 7:54:42 AM) Information: ClusterID=1 (3/20/2023 7:54:42 AM) Information: QDSID=582a340e-69a2-03bb-6c1a-876052c97585 (3/20/2023 7:54:42 AM) Information: TaskID=1eb47ee5-6670-4952-baf8-976ada0815b3 (3/20/2023 7:54:42 AM) Information: ExecID=2a8d9d46-2081-4644-9e3b-f8a142ca7fed (3/20/2023 7:54:42 AM) Information: MaxRunTime=1.00:00:00 (3/20/2023 7:54:42 AM) Information: MachineName=DEFRAQVD01 (3/20/2023 7:54:42 AM) Information: Task execution max attempts=1 (3/20/2023 7:54:42 AM) Information: Task execution current attempt=1 (3/20/2023 7:54:42 AM) Information: Task Dependencies are OK (3/20/2023 7:54:42 AM) Information: The task "Reload of test.qvw" is starting (3/20/2023 7:54:42 AM) Information: Document is marked to be Reloaded with fresh data. Initializing Reload for Distribution. (3/20/2023 7:54:42 AM) Information: Opening "C:\ProgramData\QlikTech\Documents\test.qvw" (3/20/2023 7:54:42 AM) Information: Allocating new QlikView Engine. Current usage count=0 of 4 (of type non-reader). (3/20/2023 7:54:42 AM) Information: Max retries:5 (3/20/2023 7:54:42 AM) Information: Attempt:01 (3/20/2023 7:54:44 AM) Information: Opened the QlikView Engine successfully. ProcessID=50048 (3/20/2023 7:54:44 AM) Information: Allocated QlikView Engine successfully. Current usage count=1 of 4 (of type non-reader). Ticket number=866. (3/20/2023 7:54:44 AM) Information: Loading document "C:\ProgramData\QlikTech\Documents\test.qvw" (0.96 Mb) (3/20/2023 7:54:44 AM) Information: Physical FileSize=0.96 Mb. Memory Allocation Delta for this file=43.99 Mb. Available Physical Memory Before Open=4164.80 Mb. Available Physical Memory After Open=4109.37 Mb. Total Physical Memory=32767.42 Mb. (3/20/2023 7:54:44 AM) Information: Attempted to load the document without data. (3/20/2023 7:54:44 AM) Information: The document was loaded successfully. (3/20/2023 7:54:44 AM) Information: Document was opened successfully (3/20/2023 7:54:44 AM) Information: Starting reload (3/20/2023 7:54:44 AM) Information: The Source Document is being reloaded. DocumentPath=C:\ProgramData\QlikTech\Documents\test.qvw (3/20/2023 7:54:45 AM) Information: The Source Document reload complete. DocumentPath=C:\ProgramData\QlikTech\Documents\test.qvw (3/20/2023 7:54:45 AM) Information: Memory Allocation Delta for this file=17.49 Mb. Available Physical Memory Before Reload=4109.38 Mb. Available Physical Memory After Reload=4106.63 Mb. (3/20/2023 7:54:45 AM) Error: The Source Document was NOT reloaded successfully. DocumentPath=C:\ProgramData\QlikTech\Documents\test.qvw. (3/20/2023 7:54:45 AM) Information: QlikView->Settings->Document Peferences->Generate Logfile in document is set. Enabling Log Copier. (3/20/2023 7:54:45 AM) Information: Looking for the document log "C:\ProgramData\QlikTech\Documents\test.qvw" to become available. (3/20/2023 7:54:45 AM) Information: Found a document log. FileName=C:\ProgramData\QlikTech\Documents\test.qvw.log (3/20/2023 7:54:45 AM) Information: Writing documentLog to C:\ProgramData\QlikTech\DistributionService\1\Log\20230320\075442 - Reload of test.qvw\DocumentLog.txt (3/20/2023 7:54:45 AM) Information: Closing the document. (3/20/2023 7:54:46 AM) Information: Closed the QlikView Engine successfully. ProcessID=50048 (3/20/2023 7:54:46 AM) Error: The task "Reload of test.qvw" failed. Exception: || QDSMain.Exceptions.TaskFailedException: Task execution failed with errors to follow. ---> QDSMain.Exceptions.ReloadFailedException: Reload failed ---> QDSMain.Exceptions.LogBucketErrorException: The Source Document was NOT reloaded successfully. DocumentPath=C:\ProgramData\QlikTech\Documents\test.qvw. || at QDSMain.AbstractReloadTask.VerifyConditions(IExecutingTaskResult executingTaskResult) || at QDSMain.AbstractReloadTask.Reload(String fileName, IExecutingTaskResult executingTaskResult, String sectionAccessUserName, String sectionAccessPassword, eReloadOptions reloadOption, String variableName, String variableValue, Boolean moniterCpuUsage) || --- End of inner exception stack trace --- || at QDSMain.AbstractReloadTask.Reload(String fileName, IExecutingTaskResult executingTaskResult, String sectionAccessUserName, String sectionAccessPassword, eReloadOptions reloadOption, String variableName, String variableValue, Boolean moniterCpuUsage) || at QDSMain.DistributeTask.PerformExecute(IExecutingTaskResult executingTaskResult) || --- End of inner exception stack trace --- || at QDSMain.DistributeTask.PerformExecute(IExecutingTaskResult executingTaskResult) || at QDSMain.Task.AbstractTask.TaskExecution(CurrentExecutionArgs args) (3/20/2023 7:54:46 AM) Information: Task Execute Duration=00:00:03.7395756 (3/20/2023 7:54:46 AM) Information: TaskResult.status=Finished (3/20/2023 7:54:46 AM) Information: Notifying all triggers of new state: "FinishedWithErrors"... (3/20/2023 7:54:46 AM) Information: Notifying all triggers of new state: "FinishedWithErrors" - Completed