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Trigger automatically NPrinting task after the metadata is updated

Creator II
Creator II

Trigger automatically NPrinting task after the metadata is updated

Nprinting is a great tool to use however there are alot of features still missing and this is a major one.

Whenever we create a connection to a QlikView and/or a QlikSense application we are able to schedule whenever we want the metadata to be updated and this is fine (Would be nice with EDX , trigger upon other connections etc.. but that is another idea).

We are also able to schedule a publish task BUT we are not able to trigger a publish task directly after a metadata connection is updated and this is a major issue.

The issue that occurs now is that we schedule publish task randomly by trying to match the time of the metadata reload and that is bad.

This feature should have been implemented in Nprinting a long time a go even if there is a why of going around this by using the API



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The use of official Qlik NPrinting APIs to trigger a task after reload is explained here and it can be used until a more integrated feature will be developed.

Creator II
Creator II

Dependencies and triggers are something that should come "out of the box" when introducing a product like Nprinting.

It really baffle me that this has not been something that you guys have been looking at and prioritising because this is something that ALL nprinting developers really want to have as an option in Nprinting.

Even your support team has acknowledge this as something that " it seems to be a fair expectation" (01992336 - Reload report after metadata is updated)

The use of APIs  should not even be an discussed as an option (if it's not external dependencies)  here because this should already be default in Nprinting.

So please prioritise this thanks.

Creator II
Creator II

Almost 1 year has passed now and I still have not found any information about this feature, We are several who are waiting for this to be implemented as a default feature in nprinting. can you give an update for all of us?


Additional feedback from creative: 

Will reach out and circle back on this


Another year passed. Any update on this request.


Acknowledging this Idea - not planned at this time.  

Status changed to: Open - Not Planned

Closing - API use as documented below will remain the capability at this time.  

Status changed to: Closed - Archived