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Allow us to start getting data from restored journals without having all of the journals available.


Allow us to start getting data from restored journals without having all of the journals available.

We are running DB2 iSeries and archive our journals every 4 hours for space reasons.  If Qlik fails it's processing and it remains failed for more than 4 hours we will now longer have the journals on the system for it to restart from.  We can restore them, but we don't have enough space to restore them all.  Qlik will not allow us to restore any data unless it has all of the journals.  This means that we must restore from the original data and start again.  However, we cannot be missing all of the changes in between.  

We have the journals, but we have no way of getting the data from them.  

I would like you to enhance the product so that we can start restoring from some of the journals, stop processing when you reach a journal that doesn't exists, let us replace the old journals that you have just processed with new, unprocessed journals, and continue on this way until we reach the current journal.  

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