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Duplicate columns in Windows Server Performance Counter csv file

Hi all,

I have a problem with the csv file generated by WIndows Server Perf Counters.

A lot of columns are duplicated. (38 duplicate, 556 unique columns name)

Example (sorry the server is in french):

\\xxx\Processus(IDLE)\Taille virtuelle (octets)

\\xxx\Processus(IDLE)\Taille virtuelle (octets)


I use the generic "Qlik-1minute-NoWildcards.xml" to setup the counters

Server : Windows 2016


Any idea ?


Best regards

2 Replies

Do you mean duplicative headers? I am not seeing the same on my end. For that specific subset I am seeing this from a very recently deployed XML on Windows Server 2016 Standard:

\Process(IDLE)\Virtual Bytes Peak
\Process(IDLE)\Virtual Bytes

This is in the raw CSVs produced.

So further clarification would be needed here.


Hi Levi,

yes it's duplicated headers.

I've attached an xlsx file with all column headers.

Sheet 1 the normal sheet

Sheet 2 headers in the first column, if you perform a remove duplicate you will see 38 values duplicated.


FYI it's not a question of french version of the server language as I tested it on my own VM (QMI) with the same config (2016 + french language) and it work fine.


Best regards