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Stream are not visible or available on the hub in Qlik Sense May 2022

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Stream are not visible or available on the hub in Qlik Sense May 2022

Last Update:

Sep 22, 2023 3:14:42 AM

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Created date:

Jun 15, 2022 6:23:57 AM

After upgrading or installing Qlik Sense Enterprise on Windows May 2022, users may not see all of their streams.

The streams appear only after an interaction or a click anywhere on the Hub.

This is caused by defect QB-10693, resolved in May 2022 Patch 4.


Qlik Sense Enterprise on Windows May 2022 



To work around the issue without a patch:

  1. Locate and open the file: C:\Program Files\Qlik\Sense\CapabilityService\capabilities.json

  2. Modify the following line:  


    Set it from true to false: 


  3. Save the file.

    If you have a multi node, these changes need to be applied on all nodes. 

    Note 2: As these are changes to a configuration file, they will be reverted to default when upgrading. The changes will need to be redone after patching or upgrading Qlik Sense.

  4. Restart the Qlik Sense Dispatcher service AND the Qlik Sense Proxy Service 

    Note: If you have a multi node, all nodes need to be restarted. 



A fix is available in May 2022, patch 4.

Streams will show up (after a few seconds) without the need to click or interact with the hub.

Important NOTE about feature HUB_HIDE_EMPTY_STREAMS:

When you activate HUB_HIDE_EMPTY_STREAMS, you will have an expected delay before all streams appear.

To improve this delay, from Patch 4, you can add HUB_OPTIMIZED_SEARCH (needs to be added manually as a new flag). As of now, HUB_OPTIMIZED_SEARCH tag will be available in the upcoming August 2022 release and is not planned for any patches (yet)

If this delay (seconds) is not acceptable, you will need to disable this HUB_HIDE_EMPTY_STREAMS capability.



This defect was introduced by a new capability service. 

Internal Investigation ID(s) 


Labels (1)
Partner - Contributor III
Partner - Contributor III

"When you activate HUB_HIDE_EMPTY_STREAMS, you will have an expected delay before all streams will appear."


What does "Expected" means? Is is technically unavoidable? 


Hi @konHi,

Since you have installed patch 4. Now, the stream are loading, but it's not immediate, there is an expected delay.
Expected delay is because the way this new capability is built it can't be improve more than it is (apart of using and activating the below tag).

To improve this delay, from Patch 4, you can add HUB_OPTIMIZED_SEARCH tag.

If the delay is still not acceptable for you, there is no other way than disable HUB_HIDE_EMPTY_STREAMS.

Partner - Contributor III
Partner - Contributor III

The feature is awesome and is something we waited for a long time. This delay just feels not right at the moment.


We have QlikSense Enterprise Windows and this problem occurred with our May 2022 install patch 5, so we installed August 2022 patch 1 and the problem is still there. Will this be added to future patches or has it been fixed in patch 2?


Audit of the streams in the QMC shows the user has access, but when they open the hub, some of their streams are missing


A few questions:
what determines what list of streams initially shows up?

what determines what part of the list of streams shows up after the delay?

If we add HUB_OPTIMIZED_SEARCH and set it to true, as a feature toggle -- should this improve the delay for the other streams to show up?   Does this have to be done in conjunction with turning off HUB_HIDE_EMPTY_STREAMS? I am unclear on what each part does.


We have turned off HUB_HIDE_EMPTY_STREAMS, and we still see the same behavior as before, where a few streams are listed fast and then some 30 - 60 seconds later, the remaining streams are shown. We expected with this turned off it should be back to pre-May 2022 behavior, but it did not.

We are going to try :
HUB_HIDE_EMPTY_STREAMS set to false and
to see if this helps.

we have had several users complain about this and think that the app is broken.

Could qlik consider adding some on screen indication that the page is trying to determine what streams to display to the user?


we found that setting HUB_HIDE_EMPTY_STREAMS to false resolved the issue. (we did not use HUB_OPTIMIZED_SEARCH, not sure what that does) In multi-node we had to stop and start all services for this change to take effect. After setting HUB_HIDE_EMPTY_STREAMS to false we saw no mode delay for the full list of streams. They all loaded together, no delays.

restart order:

This feature needs to have some visual indication to users, otherwise folks will assume there is an issue with their access to streams, as nothing indicates the page is trying to show the full list of all streams.


Hello @Ken_T ,

With  HUB_HIDE_EMPTY_STREAMS activated the delay is expected, it's how is designed the feature.

If you activate HUB_OPTIMIZED_SEARCH, delay will be better but there will still have a delay.


If delay is not acceptable the only solution would be to disable it.

To have the modification be effective, you need to restart the Dispatcher service and the Proxy service.


I second  Ken_T 's experience/assessment. We also disabled the HUB_HIDE_EMPTY_STREAMS and restarted all services on all nodes and things seem back to normal.

Creator III
Creator III

Dear Benoit,


we have two root admin users. One users loads streams slowly and the other one fast. 

The one where is loads fast is the owner of the apps. 


Is this also the same problem? 

Version history
Last update:
‎2023-09-22 03:14 AM
Updated by: