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Partner - Contributor
Partner - Contributor

Can we validate data in qlik Enterprise?

What is the procedure for validate data in Qlik Enterprise?

What is the step for making calendar in Qlik Enterprise?

Please help me what is the solution for both question in Qlik?



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Partner - Creator III
Partner - Creator III

To validate data in Qlik Enterprise, you can follow these general steps:

Data Loading and Transformation: Load the data into Qlik from various data sources such as databases, spreadsheets, or other data files. During the loading process, you can perform data transformation and cleansing to ensure data quality.

Data Model Design: Design a data model in Qlik, where you define the relationships between different tables and fields. This step helps in establishing the data structure and making sure that data is organized correctly.

Data Visualization: Create visualizations and charts to represent the data. As you build charts and reports, it is essential to validate that the data displayed accurately reflects the underlying data in the data model.

Data Comparison: Compare the data displayed in Qlik visualizations with the data in the source systems to validate accuracy. This can involve cross-referencing data from different sources and verifying calculations.

Data Profiling: Utilize data profiling techniques to analyze and understand the data, identify data quality issues, and make necessary corrections.

Set Up Data Governance: Establish data governance practices to ensure ongoing data quality. This includes defining data quality rules, setting up monitoring processes, and implementing data quality improvement procedures.

For creating a calendar in Qlik Enterprise, you can follow these steps:

Create a Master Calendar Table: Load a table containing all the dates required for your calendar. This table should have fields like Date, Day, Month, Year, Quarter, etc.

Link the Master Calendar: Link the Master Calendar table to your main data table using a common date field, like "Date," "Order Date," or "Transaction Date."

Create Time Dimensions: From the Master Calendar, derive additional time dimensions like Week, MonthName, MonthYear, YearMonth, etc., using Qlik functions.

Define Selections: Set default selections for your calendar, such as the current year or the latest available date.

Create Visualizations: Utilize the new time dimensions to create time-based visualizations and charts, like sales trends over months, quarters, or years.

Implement Date-Related Filters: Apply date-related filters to your visuals to allow users to analyze data dynamically based on their date selections.

By following these steps, you can create a robust and dynamic calendar in Qlik Enterprise that allows for easy time-based analysis of your data.

Here I send you a master calendar code.

LET vDateMin = Num(MakeDate(2021,1,1));
LET vDateMax = Num(Today());

[Temporary Calendar]:
LOAD $(vDateMin) + RowNo() - 1 as [Num Date],
Date($(vDateMin) + RowNo() - 1) as Date
WHILE $(vDateMin) + IterNo() - 1<= $(vDateMax);

[Master Calendar]:
LOAD Date(Date,'DD/MM/YYYY') AS Date,
Year(Date) AS Year,
'S' & Ceil(Month(Date)/6) as Semester,
'Q' & Ceil(Month(Date)/3) as Trimester,
Month(Date) AS Month,
WeekDay(Date) AS Week,
Day(Date) AS Day,
WeekDay(Date)&'-'&Day(Date) AS PerWeek,
Num(Month(Date),'00') AS [Num Month],
Month(Date)&'-'&Right(Year(Date),2) AS [Year Month],
Year(Date)&Num(Month(Date),'00') AS [NumYearMonth]
Resident [Temporary Calendar]
Order By Date Asc;
Drop Table [Temporary Calendar];


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