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    QlikView Administration

    Reload Engine and Distribution service instability

    Hello Qlik Community,   I ask for your help regarding an evasive issue, regarding the reload engine and distribution service instability, mostly regar... Show More
    Hello Qlik Community,
    I ask for your help regarding an evasive issue, regarding the reload engine and distribution service instability, mostly regarding the distribution service.
    The symptoms are the following, at seemingly random time of the day, we receive the following alert:
    "QMC on machine XXXXX reports that one or more Qlikview Distribution Services failed to respond. Please check QMC for more info"
    And sometimes, we also receive at the same time another alert:
    "The service 'ReloadEngine@XXXXX ' is down. Service Url is http://XXXXX :4720/QDS/Service"
    For the context:
    We were using Qlikview 11.2 until recently, we upgraded to the version 12.9. Initial release, going to 12.7 first and then to 12.8. The problem appeared when we first upgraded to 12.7, and the situation changed with Qlikview 12.8 SR 2 ( 12.80.20200.0).
    The first failed were correlated to an overload of the CPU during the reload of some reports. Since then, we've optimized the queries and overall it reduced the occurrence of the alert, although not completely avoiding it.
    We also, when it first appeared, applied a daily restart of services, which helped but did not solve the problem. We later removed it with the latest version, as it seemed suboptimal in this new setup, which in turns reduced the frequency.
    To get to this point, we followed the guides to help troubleshoot the problem: 
    It seems that part of it is also related to the reload with Nprinting, triggering the issue.  
    With the 12.8 SR2 version, one of the patch notes seemed to target a similar issue - QV-22417 - QVS crashed intermittently under heavy load and interaction:
    "The QVS server crashed intermittently while evaluating QlikView chart object calculations. 
    This was not caused by any specific calculation but was mainly connected to concurrency around shared chart objects, particularly sessions connecting/disconnecting and fast type changes of linked shared objects. 
    Multiple additional synchronizations and safeguards have been introduced to safely handle sharing sessions attaching and detaching. 
    Shared object with linked (replicated) object type changes have been restricted to safe combinations."
    After the change from 12.8 IR to 12.8 SR2, the qlikview distribution service fails with the reload engine, changed a little in behaviour:
    It now appears at seemingly random time, without regularity in the time of day, and also more often. Even though 
    the specs of the server have been increased a little, because we also want to shift from using Qlikview Plugin to Ajax for the user to access the reports, and so to keep a margin of memory. 
    The server is using Microsoft windows server 2019 Standard, the CPU is  2.30GHz, over 8 cores, with 72 Gb of memory.
    This server is dedicated to Qlikview and currently still in test, meaning not accessed by end users, only admins.
    We've also tried to cap CPU usage and uncap it (65 %, 95%, 100%) without changes.  Currently, it is capped at 95%.
    We've analyzed the logs as well without finding clues or much trace.
    Following the advice from this guide:
    We've looked up the performance, although it only seems to point to the consequence, with a high CPU consumption after the service failure.
    In 12.9, the issue still persists, even with little load on the server except Qlikview, Nprinting and me as the only user connected. 
    Has anyone encountered a similar issue or has a clue of what would cause the distribution failure ? 


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    New to Qlik Analytics

    Relative numbers based on dimension limitation

    Hi, I am trying to create a table to display the values of the top 20 selling items and I have a measure that is going to calculate the sales as share... Show More

    Hi, I am trying to create a table to display the values of the top 20 selling items and I have a measure that is going to calculate the sales as share per total or sales ratio, let's say I have a total of 30 items and I only want to show the statistics for the top 20 items, I've set a limitation of 20 for my dimension and set the measure modifier to 'Relative Numbers', I've also tried this expression 'SUM(Sales) / SUM(TOTAL Sales)'. However, I realized that the returned values are in relative to all the 30 items instead of the 20 items that are limited in the dimension. 

    Below is an example of what I need:
    Exp Sales Table:
    Product | Sales
    A | 30
    B | 10
    C | 25
    D | 25
    E | 10

    Let say I want the stats for the top 3 selling product, it should have figures as table below:
    Product | Sales | Sales%
    A | 30 | 30/(30+25+25) = 37.5%
    C | 25 | 25/(30+25+25) = 31.25%
    D | 25 | 25/(30+25+25) = 31.25%

    But instead, I am getting figures as below:
    Product | Sales | Sales%
    A | 30 | 30/(30+25+25+10+10) = 30.00%
    C | 25 | 25/(30+25+25+10+10) = 25.00%
    D | 25 | 25/(30+25+25+10+10) = 25.00%

    How can I get the relative value of the limited 20 items or is there a workaround for this? Any help is appreciated!

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    Qlik Replicate

    Json File handling

    Can i segregate the NCLOB column into Multiple single columns from source to target . Is that possible?  
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    Qlik Application Automation

    Send mail to multiple recipients using SendGrid

    Hi,   I have an automation that is using SendGrid module to send a table via email. Everything is working fine if in the field "mail to" of the SendGr... Show More



    I have an automation that is using SendGrid module to send a table via email. Everything is working fine if in the field "mail to" of the SendGrid block I only put one email address, the problem is when I try to put multiple adresses, separated by ;

    The automation is still running fine, but no mail is received by anyone.

    I've tried with the block "create contact list" from the SendGrid blocks but stil it's not working.


    How can I send an email to multiple receipients using SendGrid send email?

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    App Development


    軸を2つ(カテゴリ:カテゴリ1・カテゴリ2・カテゴリ3、ステータス:完了・未完了)、メジャー1つ(数量)の棒チャートを作成しています。 色設定を数式で以下のような条件指定していますが、うまくいきません。  未完了は単色、完了はカテゴリごとに進捗率で色分け  イメージとしては、以下のような条件式   ... Show More




        if (ステータス=未完了, グレー,
            if (カテゴリ=カテゴリ1, if count(完了数)/count(総数)<1, red, blue))


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    New to Qlik Analytics

    Link table for accounting data in OLE DB data and budget data from Excel File

    Hi, I have a problem where I need to get Transaction data from a OLE DB data source and then add en Excel file with manually entered Budget data for f... Show More


    I have a problem where I need to get Transaction data from a OLE DB data source and then add en Excel file with manually entered Budget data for four different companies, the load data look like this compressed with the relevant fields for two of the companies as below.

    I add the company name as Client field for every company and the joined data for Transactions table is working as supposed.

    My problem is that the budget data is added on the last day of the month because it's mainly relevant to look at this aggregated per month. But since there are multiple transactions in the Transaction data the last day of the month every month the Budget data get multiplied for every occurrence of that date.

    What I've found is that I should use a Link table to solve this issue but it seems that my skills is not enough to get the script right.

    I would like to group interval of accounts for example revenue, material cost, gross profit etc. for set analysis and add a master calendar (or similar) to do analysis on different time periods. Is it possible to have a Link table for Client, account and date fields and then add grouping and master calendar connected in the Link table or do you have to do this in the Load for the original data sources?

    LIB CONNECT TO 'Briljantdata - MGA (ad_ext_kons)';
    'MGA' as Client,
        bel, // (amount field)
        kto, // (Account field)
        trdat; // (Date field)
    FROM rtr;
    LIB CONNECT TO 'Briljantdata KJ (ad_ext_kons)';
    'KJ' as Client,
        bel, // (amount field)
        kto, // (Account field)
        trdat; // (Date field)
    FROM rtr;
    'MGA' as Client,
        kto, // (Account field)
        trdat, // (Date field)
        Budget_belopp // (Amount field)
    FROM [lib://AttachedFiles/Qlik sense Budget MGA 22-23 & 23-24.xlsx]
    (ooxml, embedded labels, table is Budgetdata_MGA);
    'KJ' as Client,
        kto, // (Account field)
        trdat, // (Date field)
        Budget_belopp // (Amount field)
    FROM [lib://AttachedFiles/Qlik sense Budget KJ 22-23 & 23-24.xlsx]
    (ooxml, embedded labels, table is Budgetdata_KJ);
    Help is much appreciated!
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    New to Qlik Analytics

    Custom Colors for a drilldown master item

    Hi folks, I want to assign a specific color for each category of [Agent supergroup] in my drilldown master item, much like asked here. I figured that... Show More

    Hi folks,

    I want to assign a specific color for each category of [Agent supergroup] in my drilldown master item, much like asked here.


    I figured that I could color my graph by expression, with an expression (or, as suggested, an expression stored as a second master item) starting like this

    =If(GetSelectedCount([Agent supergroup])<>1,
    	Pick(Match([Agent supergroup], 'Hospitals', 'Private laboratories', 'Private practices', 'Other'), '#006580', '#C8C7A9', '#AC4D58', '#99CFCD'), ...)

    Without further colors instead of the '...', all subcategories will be colored gray. I guess that I could add more Ifs for [Agent group] and [Agent], but since

    • I do not know if the values in the underlying table will change and
    • I care only about color consistency across different graphs,

    I just want to assign [Agent group] a color by its position in the list of possible values:

    Concat({$<[Agent group]=>} DISTINCT [Agent group], ',')​

    So I constructed an expression around this to get a color number between 1 and 12 and then added Pick() as follows:

    If(GetSelectedCount([Agent group])<>1,
      Pick(Mod(Len(KeepChar(Left(Concat({$<[Agent group]=>} DISTINCT [Agent group], ','), Index(Concat({$<[Agent group]=>} DISTINCT [Agent group], ','), [Agent group])-1), ',')), 12)+1,
        '#006580', '#C8C7A9', '#AC4D58', '#99CFCD', '#E1DAD5', '#83AF9B', '#E0BD8D', '#8A85C6', '#10CFC9', '#A16090', '#87205D', '#C4CFDA'), ... )

    (These are the 12 default Qlik Sense colors.)
    My test-KPI shows the correct color number, but the categories of [Agent group] in the graph are still one and the same color.

    Do you have a hint?

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    Qlik Replicate

    limit the retrieval size on the db2 z endpoint source

    Hello we have a speed(mb/s) limitation on the brokers after Qlik of mb/s therefore we asked ourselves the question if he was possible on the db2 z end... Show More

    Hello we have a speed(mb/s) limitation on the brokers after Qlik of mb/s

    therefore we asked ourselves the question if he was possible on the db2 z endpoint source to limit the number of records obtained per second or the retrieval size

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    New to Qlik Analytics

    Connecting access db to qliksense

    I have an issue with connecting my access database to qlik sense,I tried the normal way and it did not seem to work. Some users suggested that i go th... Show More

    I have an issue with connecting my access database to qlik sense,

    I tried the normal way and it did not seem to work. Some users suggested that i go through "Microsoft Office 12.0 access database engine OLE DB Provider" , i tried that and i get an error. Im not sure what im doing wrong: path? the error states that the file is not present or open by another user?

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    Design and Development

    tSalesforceInput SSL peer shut down incorrectly

    I have a job that connects to extract the data from several objects from salesforce. I use tsalesforceinput to extract the data and then insert into a... Show More

    I have a job that connects to extract the data from several objects from salesforce.

    I use tsalesforceinput to extract the data and then insert into a mssql db. the job return this error with some objects but others work without problem. 

    tSalesforceInput_2 SSL peer shut down incorrectly SSL peer shut down incorrectly
    at ~[?:1.8.0_252]
    at ~[?:1.8.0_252]
    at ~[?:1.8.0_252]
    at ~[?:1.8.0_252]
    at ~[?:1.8.0_252]
    at ~[?:1.8.0_252]
    at ~[?:1.8.0_252]
    at ~[?:1.8.0_252]
    at ~[?:1.8.0_252]
    at ~[?:1.8.0_252]
    at ~[?:1.8.0_252]
    at$ ~[?:1.8.0_252]
    at ~[?:1.8.0_252]
    at ~[?:1.8.0_252]
    at ~[?:1.8.0_252]
    at sun.nio.cs.StreamDecoder.readBytes( ~[?:1.8.0_252]
    at sun.nio.cs.StreamDecoder.implRead( ~[?:1.8.0_252]
    at ~[?:1.8.0_252]
    at ~[?:1.8.0_252]
    at ~[?:1.8.0_252]
    at ~[?:1.8.0_252]
    at ~[?:1.8.0_252]
    at com.csvreader.CsvReader.checkDataLength(Unknown Source) ~[javacsv-2.0.jar:?]
    at com.csvreader.CsvReader.readRecord(Unknown Source) ~[javacsv-2.0.jar:?]
    at ~[components-salesforce-runtime-0.36.13.jar:?]
    at org.talend.components.salesforce.runtime.SalesforceBulkQueryInputReader.advance( ~[components-salesforce-runtime-0.36.13.jar:?]
    at org.talend.codegen.flowvariables.runtime.FlowVariablesReader.advance( ~[talend-codegen-utils.jar:?]


    Any suggestion?

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Qlik enhances decision-making with high-speed insights, as Mayborn Group integrates data from various functions across their global operations, gaining a competitive edge in the childcare industry.

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Nortera leads agricultural manufacturing analytics and automation with Qlik, reducing short-shipment rates and annual savings in water consumption.

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